Station Eleven Season 2 When Will It Release? What Is The Cast?

Home Box Office informed data about Station Eleven season 2.

There is no exact information about 2nd season of Station Eleven now. If show status will be determined we're expecting it to land at April 2nd, 2026 almost same time. All you really need to know about a possible new part of the HBO Video drama.

Countdown to Season 2 Release

Station Eleven Season 2 premiere date and episodes list

Next season will consist of 10 episodes. They will be available to stream on Home Box Office Video on demand right after release. First episode starting on April 2nd, 2026. TV Series episodes will release every week on Thursdays. More detailed episodes list presented in this table.

Episode NumberTitleRelease Date on HBO
2X01Episode 1April 2, 2026
2X02Episode 2April 2, 2026
2X03Episode 3April 2, 2026
2X04Episode 4April 9, 2026
2X05Episode 5April 9, 2026
2X06Episode 6April 16, 2026
2X07Episode 7April 16, 2026
2X08Episode 8April 23, 2026
2X09Episode 9April 23, 2026
2X10Episode 10April 30, 2026

About Station Eleven

A post-apocalyptic saga spanning multiple timelines, Station Eleven tells the stories of survivors of a devastating flu as they attempt to rebuild and reimagine the world anew while holding on to the best of what's been lost.

HBO Video Station Eleven Season 2 trailer: is there a teaser yet?

At the time of writing, given below video trailer is most relevant to next season of series. Official video trailer will be uploaded near the start date.

Who will return in Station Eleven season 2?

We wait practically identical characters to return in the upcoming season. Matilda Lawler will be back as Young Kirsten and Mackenzie Davis (Kirsten Raymonde). Along with Daniel Zovatto (The Prophet), Frank Chaudhary role will take Nabhaan Rizwan, Jeevan Chaudhary will play a Himesh Patel, Philippine Velge (Alexandra), The Conductor role will be played Lori Petty and Clark Thompson will take David Wilmot.

The actor who played Young Kirsten in the TV series Station Eleven was played by Matilda Lawler.

Station Eleven show has not yet premiered on Home Box Office Video. The exact release date not yet announced, though it is expected to be released on April 2nd, 2026.

There is no news about renewal for the 2nd season from the HBO Video for Station Eleven drama TV series. But that is still possible that Home Box Office Video could change its plans and decide to bring the TV series back later. Watch for updates on our page a little late.